Savannah Daffin Park Stadium


Redesign of Savannah Daffin Park into a sports park, consisting mainly of a soccer stadium and including volleyball court, basketball court, tennis courts, and a lake. The renovation focuses on the overall improved circulation, closely analyzing passive and active areas in the park, along with programs that work cohesively.

Building Type: Long span steel canopy structure

Size/Scale: 15,000 seat stadium


The availability of sufficient external space will allow for future extension or redevelopment. Many famous stadiums around the world are in heavily developed locations with roads, buildings and canals immediately adjacent on all sides. Their renovation and redevelopment possibilities are restricted by their limited site size and this is not a desirable situation. Large sites reduce the probability that the site may have to be abandoned in the long term, or even in the short term, because of its inability to accommodate some unforeseen development requirement. A large site improves a new stadium’s chances of being further developed in the future.



Great care must be taken regarding the angle of the playing field in relation to the sun and the prevailing weather conditions. Match participants, spectators and media representatives must be protected as much as possible from the glare of the sun. However, the effect of a stadium’s roof on the playing field must also be considered since all sides of the playing field must receive a reasonable amount of direct sunlight. For this reason, the skin is made up of triangular panels that pop in and out of the structure creating a dynamic façade and at the same time allowing ventilation. Skin material is translucent to avoid shading lines on the field which could distract players.


All parts of the stadium, including entrances, exits, stairways, doors, escape routes, roofs and all public and private areas and rooms must comply with the safety standards of the appropriate local authorities. All public passageways, corridors, stairs, doors and gates must be kept free of any obstructions that could impede the free flow of spectators.


Greywater System: Water used throughout the building is held in a greywater tank and then pumped to the constructed wetland. It is then either sent back to the earth or to the atmosphere through evotranspiration.

Stadiums are architectural icons within the urban landscape that have a massive impact on surrounding communities and infrastructure. Daffin Park Stadium serve the community as a family-friendly destination, providing maximum levels of comfort and safety.

The project studies the natural laws affecting the science of building and basic theories of structural behavior in materials and systems. The design integrates net zero structural and environmental systems into building design and the tectonic language of architecture.


Initial Conceptual Studies


Form Design Proposals


Site Analysis